December 2006
Orion Magazine
by jlesageideas of sustainability and its cultural contexts; many notable writers and artists here
November 2006 -
by jlesage a multilingual web journal that challenges received ideas about linguistic and cultural "translation" along principles of a critique of culturalisation; social recomposition, beyond postcolonialism: a global commons; multilinguality vs. national language
Dialogic: Giorgio Agamben: Means Without Ends
by jlesagea collection of ideas from Agamben that summarizes some of his key ideas; blog from "a dialogic provocateur searching for viable alternative/oppositional cultures." Much on film; many links.
Project Premises : Sed : A Trail of Thirst
by jlesagehypertext and visual arts project on southwest US and politics of the border; extensive essay with incorporated artistic material; new vision of documentary media, visual ethnography
August 2006
The Tangled Web of Syriana
by jlesagea fun chart illustrating the plot and connections between characters of a good political film
July 2006
Audio documentary by Chuck Kleinhans
by jlesagemuch radio documentary and many audio archives focus on first person narration
(6 marks)