public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags Grassroot & HongKong

April 2005

March 2005

December 2004

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 整合網絡電台力量

by tsalon

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 公民運動與媒體革命

by tsalon
Excellent piece! Background info. on the rise of HK's Indymedia; its mission; critique of HK media; overview of blog culture in HK

November 2004

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 另類媒體與價值(之三)

by tsalon
head of talks about political control of radio waves in hong kong and the goals of his station

獨立媒體 (香港) :: 另類媒體與價值(之一)

by tsalon
a very brief history of newspaper tradition in hong kong; very good piece

October 2004

香港網政 | Heterotopias

by tsalon

September 2004

912live: "我們的構思"

by tsalon
912 當日全日的人民報導文字記錄、圖片及電台錄音,將製作成為書籍及光碟,留存於後世,成為人民個個有份製作的歷史文憲 | live radio broadcast on HK elections produced by HK citizens

by tsalon
"我們將在9.12進行聯合報導,由一般市民及這些組織的義工將會對選舉進行報導或評論" 選民 Blog 、討論區

by tsalon
not really a blog, it's just a php-powered forum. Christine Loh "blogs" there everyday.

網‧政‧廿一 | epolitics

by tsalon
"人民報導‧我做得到!" the site seeks to engage voters into voting and discussion of election-related affairs. provides RSS feed

Radio 45 網絡電台

by tsalon
lots of heavyweight: 毛孟靜、 鄭宇碩、陸恭蕙、梁文道, etc. program available in mp3

新力量網絡 SynergyNet

by tsalon
Political think-tank chaired by Anthony Cheung of HKU. Analyzes political platforms and not candidates.


by tsalon & 2 others
網民做記者,報導912立法會選情. programs available in mp3s

Peoples' Media (Hong Kong)

by tsalon
by pro-democracy camp; multi-media laden, but uninteresting UI

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Grassroot

china +   chinadigitaltimes +   internet +   journalism +   notes +   radio +   society +  

Active users

last mark : 15/04/2005 14:17