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05 March 2006

04 March 2006

Terra Games | Veja 10 RPGs online completamente gratuitos

by bcpbcp (via)
Nem todos jogos de RPG massivos online são pagos. Existem diversos games MMORPG, como são chamados, completamente gratuitos, necessitando somente que o jogador realize um cadastro no site para ter acesso ao mundo virtual. Fizemos uma seleção dos 10 melhores RPGs online gratuitos para você baixar e jogar.

Japanese gamers vote on top 100 games of all time - Idle Forums

by bcpbcp (via)
1. Final Fantasy X (2001) 2. Final Fantasy VII (1997) 3. Dragon Quest III (1988) 4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004) 5. Machi (1998) 6. Final Fantasy IV (1991) 7. Tactics Ogre (1995) 8. Final Fantasy III (1990) 9. Dragon Quest VII (2000) 10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

25 February 2006

IGN: Top 10 Tuesday: Worst Game Controllers

by bcpbcp (via)
Some brilliant ideas came out of gaming engineers...

18 February 2006

Casual Game Design » Game design at Casuality Europe

by bcpbcp
# Make it really hard. # Have a dozen mediocre game modes instead of one good one. # Make it a 600 MB download that requires two next generation video cards and 4GB RAM. # Price your game at $35 or $3.50 and sell only from your myspace homepage. # Use the right mouse button. # Give it a terrible name or theme. # Award low scores. # Expect users to read. # Make it challenging and cerebral. # Ignore what everyone else says about your game.

Linkology - How the Most-Linked-To Blogs Relate

by bcpbcp
There are upwards of 27 million blogs in the world. To discover how they relate to one another, we’ve taken the most-linked-to 50 and mapped their connections. Each arrow represents a hypertext link that was made sometime in the past 90 days. Think of those links as votes in an endless global popularity poll. Many blogs vote for each other: “blogrolling.” Some top-50 sites don’t have any links from the others shown here, usually because they are big in Japan, China, or Europe—regions still new to the phenomenon.

11 February 2006 Blog: Top Ten Bestselling Games of 2005

by bcpbcp
The NPD Group has reported the bestselling titles of 2005. Most of the games were for the Playstation 2 game system. Electronic Arts developed half of the top ten bestselling titles in 2005. » Blog Archive » Top 10 Casual Games Portals

by bcpbcp
If I was to put a short list of the top 10 by volume (not performance) I would say 1) RealArcade (Gamehouse) 2) Yahoo Games 3) Oberon Network : Pogo, AOL (non exclusive), MSN, Xbox Life, and so on 4) Zylom 5) Shockwave 6) BigFish Games 7) Boonty Games 8) TryMedia (Because of AOL) 9) Reflexive Network 10) Gamefiesta, Arcadetown, Iwin, Wild Tangent

Finalboss - Noticia | EBGames publica sua última lista dos 10 jogos mais vendidos nos Estados Unidos

by bcpbcp
A rede de lojas EBGames publicou recentemente a lista contendo os 10 jogos mais vendidos no período entre 29 de Janeiro a 04 de Fevereiro. O primeiro lugar foi para Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening do Playstation 2, seguido de mais dois jogos para plataforma. Como podem ver, com exceção de dois títulos (um para Xbox e outro para Xbox 360) todo o resto ficou por conta do console da Sony, mostrando que o videogame ainda tem grande força no oriente.

"God of War" é o grande vencedor de premiação de Academia - 10/02/2006 - UOL Jogos - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
A Academia de Artes e Ciências Interativas - AIAS, na sigla em inglês - anunciou os vencedores do Prêmio Anual de Realização Interativa. A premiação ocorreu no congresso DICE (sigla para design, inovação, criação e entretenimento), realizando entre 8 e 10 de fevereiro.

05 February 2006

TenSpot: Top Ten Rhythm Games

by bcpbcp (via)
Though rhythm games arguably had their heyday 5 to 10 years ago, recent releases have shown us that the genre has still got it, and it continues to improve every step of the way. We now take a look back at the top 10 rhythm games of all time, leaving no platform unturned and letting no region-encoding stand in our way. As with every TenSpot, the games listed aren't in any particular order, so don't go reading between the lines, thinking we've ranked them. All of these games stand as equals in their collective greatness.

29 January 2006

28 January 2006

GameCultura: Videogame e cabibalismo

by bcpbcp
Uma instituição patrulhadora, chamada National Institute on Media and the Family, divulgou uma lista dos títulos canibais "a serem evitados".

21 January 2006

Ten "Most Interesting" people in gaming - International perspective from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
A few weeks ago, there was a post on GamerGod which listed the 10 most interesting people in games 2005. While some of those who made the cut were arguably admirable, it was a hugely US-biased list

19 January 2006

game girl advance: The Five Biggest Trends of 2005

by bcpbcp
The end of the year is upon us, and enough blogs and news sites have already written great articles on the best games of the year. Therefore, instead of being lost amongst the white noise of award features, I'd like to point out a few trends which I felt were especially important during 2005.

jay is games: Best of 2005: Top 20

by bcpbcp
The Best of 2005 is a celebration of the best games reviewed here at Jayisgames over the past year. It is not an exhaustive list of all the best games available since we can only review the games that we come to know about. If you have a game, or are part of a team that produces them, and would like to have your game considered for a future review here, then please use my email address in the sidebar to submit a link.

16 January 2006

Finalboss - Noticia | Analistas do NPD Group liberam lista dos 20 jogos mais vendidos para o PC

by bcpbcp
A empresa de análise de mercado NPD Group liberou recentemente uma lista com os 20 jogos mais vendidos para PC durante a ultima semana.

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last mark : 05/03/2006 01:49