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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & dance

December 2006

March 2006

gamepolitics: Why DDR is A-OK in WVA

by bcpbcp (via)
GamePolitics and other news sources have reported on West Virginia's efforts to combat childhood obesity with Konami's Dance Dance Revolution. DDR is being used in the state as a supplement to school health and phys-ed courses.

February 2006

Febre do <i>Pump it Up</i> enche os shoppings de jovens

by bcpbcp
O jogo consiste em seguir a sequência de passos que a máquina dita. Pode-se jogar em dupla, na modalidade stepper, ou sozinho, o que se chama de free style. "O stepper exige mais fôlego e resistência, já no free style é preciso saber dançar e coordenar os movimentos", explica Rafael. No começo pode ser esquisito ver um monte de marmanjo sapateando, mas aos poucos a gente se acostuma e começa a admirar o gingado dos rapazes.

January 2006

GameCultura: Tapetes de dança nas escolas americanas

by bcpbcp
O publisher Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. anunciuou uma parceria de 3 anos com o Estado de West Virginia em que todas as 765 West Virginia public schools receberao os tapetes de danca DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) nos curriuclos relacionados a educação física e saúde.

Raph’s Website » Audition

by bcpbcp
As with many of the Asian games, there’s a nominally massively multiplayer lobby, which you enter minimally multiplayer games from. You play the game in order to earn virtual cash, plus you buy a different sort of virtual cash. You can then buy further accessories for your character (clothes, character customization, etc) and new stuff to play (in this case, songs) with that money.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag 2006

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last mark : 07/12/2006 21:41

last mark : 04/03/2006 12:37