July 2006
China, Africa and the G8: the missing link Leni Wild - openDemocracy
by heavenlaughterThis week marks the anniversary of the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, which was also the culmination of possibly the largest civil-society mobilisation in history – the campaign to Make Poverty History. Yet one important issue wasn't on the agenda in 2005 even though it was changing the face of development in Africa. What's more, it doesn't seem to be sufficiently on the agenda at the St Petersburg summit on 15-17 July 2006. This is a pity, because it has the potential to shape (for better or worse) the future prospects for growth, investment and governance on the continent. That issue is China.
January 2006
google做得了华籍美人吗? - 鼋渚春涛 - 新浪BLOG
by xderam红鲱鱼说,google启用了中国顶级域名:www.google.cn,这也是本土化的顶级标志。google封杀了N多敏感指数和政治饱和度超过3星的词汇,是为了中国市场业务所向可以更加披靡。很明显红鲱鱼对此不
laolu: Google双胞胎
by xderam昨天,Google中国网站推出,与原有的Google中文(简体,可以通过英文Google首页的"preference",把语种设置为简体中文进入),成了中文搜索的双胞胎。
November 2005
(16 marks)